
Leading manufacturers are always concerned about risks involving the cost, time and quality resulting from substandard practices, including those derived from workplace health and safety issues. We have helped a variety of manufacturing companies' goals by supporting their employees, keeping them healthy and safe, so management can focus on their core business activities.

Implementing a comprehensive risk mitigation programme

Based on more than 30 years of practical experience and extensive research into Duty of Care, we have developed a systematic approach to assisting organisations in the design and implementation of integrated risk mitigation solutions. These solutions are designed to proactively manage the medical and security risks associated with inadequate medical infrastructure, occupational risks, emergency preparedness, and also overseas travel or assignment. 


A solution to meet your needs

  • Understand your risks so you can be better prepared.
  • Minimise business disruptions linked to health and safety.
  • Ensure employees’ awareness of health and security risks abroad.
  • Establish a complete response structure, should anything happen.
  • Offer employees cost-effective and worry-free management of medical care on site.
  • Comply with your Duty of Care requirements.
  • Be an employer of choice and attract/retain talent.

Key components of our solution

  • Expert-led first response (onsite trained medical professionals with 24/7 support system directing the care and services to you) – cases resolve without business disruption in more than 81% of cases.
  • One-stop-shop solution of medical supplies and equipment arrangement to support your operation needs
  • Updates, alerts and health information is easily accessible via our onsite medical team or even dedicated portal designed for your communication convenience.
  • Seminars, specific communication plans and information on emerging risks are arranged throughout the year.
  • A global network of accredited providers ensures we have ‘boots on the ground’ to support you should you need it.
  • We coordinate with your insurance policies through Direct Billing Agreements for ease of administration.