Well Women Clinic
Well Women Clinic
Because your health is paramount to your family's wellbeing.
SOS Medika Klinik Introduces the Concept of Well Women Clinic
Accessing the Right Information is Key to Prevention in Family Healthcare
Jakarta—31st of August 2016
According to WHO[i], Sexual and Reproductive health problems are responsible for one third of health issues for women between the ages of 15 and 44 years. Unsafe sex is a major risk factor – particularly among women and girls in developing countries.
Unfortunately, even in today’s modern society, women in big cities such as Jakarta still have limited access to correct information from experts and trustable sources. Sexual and reproductive health education is still considered as taboo, leading to myths and incorrect information being the common knowledge for family planning.
Recognizing the importance of accessible information and patients right to prevention, at the recent International SOS Health Seminar held at SOS Medika Klinik-Kuningan 31st of August 2016, SOS Medika Klinik introduced immediate availability of Well Women Clinic in mid-September 2016. The seminar presented two important topics on family wellbeing: “Myths VS Facts on Women Reproduction” and “Taking care of your workers, protecting your family.”
The Well Women Clinic is established to provide private session of education and consultation for female from adolescent age to post-reproductive age.
“When a woman is unhealthy, her family’s wellbeing is being compromised. However, patients often find it difficult to queue long hours for a five minutes session with an ob-gyn, or even shy away from getting involved in any discussion on women reproduction,” said dr Joseph Daniel Setiady, practitioner at SOS Medika Klinik Jakarta.
Dr Adam Yudiar, Medical Director for SOS Medika Klinik added, ”We open Well Women Clinic to bridge this gap, where females do not have to have medical problems to see and consult a doctor. They can open up and ask anything related to sexual and reproductive health at a confidential session with our doctor, which in the end will act as a preventative measure to family wellbeing.”
For further information and book your appointment for Well Women Clinic Session, contact your clinic at: